Why do people think they need to wait til New Years to make resolutions? There are things we can change all year round.
Went to Church today for the first time in a long time. It was good go be there, however, while there I got several proverbial kicks in the butt. There are several things I need to do (like genealogy), and several habits I need to pick up/resume. It's all doable.
This all came up during Sacrament (no surprise), then came the speakers. The first speaker spoke about setting goals, and the second spoke about priorities. Um. yeah.
When Heavenly Father makes a point, he makes it unmistakably.
There's been a lot going on, medically. Of everything, what bothers me most is the brain damage. I'm having lots of problems with spelling and grammar as well as aphasia/losing words. I've also lost the connections for some of the things I used to do routinely (like throwing away trash), and I have to figure them out again, but they seem to be staying once figured out.
I'm supposed to work on genealogy, journal, take notes in Church, Learn the AoF, catch up on tithing (no surprise there), and listen to the BoM at least 3x a week.
I'm going to journal here not only to be obedient, but also use it to track how I'm doing in all my other stuff as well. I'm determined to become a better me. SMIB *LOL*